ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0018.2-14 | Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Neonatal and Long-term Consequences | ESPEYB18

2.14. Early diagnosed gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes: A prospective cohort study

B Liu , J Cai , Y Xu , Y Long , L Deng , S Lin , J Zhang , J Yang , L Zhong , Y Luo , Y Zhou , Y Zhang , Z Li , H Chen , Z Wang

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Dec 1;105(12):dgaa633. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgaa633. PMID: 32898218.In this study, low risk pregnant women had an ‘early’ OGTT at 18-20 weeks of gestation and these results were correlated with the standard OGTT at 24-28 weeks. Pregnant women with Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) who had early OGTT still had a higher risk of delivering macrosomic in...

ey0018.12-16 | Lipids | ESPEYB18

12.16. A multidimensional precision medicine approach identifies an autism subtype characterized by dyslipidemia

Y Luo , A Eran , N Palmer , P Avillach , A Levy-Moonshine , P Szolovits , IS Kohane

Nat Med. 2020 Sep;26(9):1375–1379. doi: 10.1038/s41591-020-1007-0. PMID: 32778826.In brief: A subtype of autism arising from a cluster of genes that regulate both cholesterol metabolism and brain development was identified by integrating multiple data modalities.Comment: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is now estimated to affect 1:54 children ...

ey0015.8-8 | Important for Clinical Practice | ESPEYB15

8.8 Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of 21-hydroxylase deficiency using target capture sequencing of maternal plasma DNA

D Ma , Y Yuan , C Luo , Y Wang , T Jiang , F Guo , J Zhang , C Chen , Y Sun , J Cheng , P Hu , J Wang , H Yang , X Yi , W Wang , Asan , Z Xu

To read the full abstract: Sci Rep. 2017; 7(1): 7427Prenatal dexamethasone treatment has been suggested over three decades ago to prevent virilization of a female fetus affected with 21-hydroxylase deficiency due to genetic mutations in the CYP21A2 gene. However, current treatment guidelines for CAH regard this treatment still as experimental, mainly because follow-up studies of treated fetu...

ey0015.12-15 | New Genes | ESPEYB15

12.15 A LIMA1 variant promotes low plasma LDL cholesterol and decreases intestinal cholesterol absorption

Y-Y Zhang , Z-Y Fu , J Wei , W Qi , G Baituola , J Luo , Y-J Meng , S-Y Guo , H Yin , S-Y Jiang , Y-F Li , H-H Miao , Y Liu , Y Wang , B-L Li , Y-T Ma , B-L Song

To read the full abstract: Science 2018;360:1087-1092During the Cardiovascular Risk Survey in western China, a Kazakh family with inherited low levels of LDL-C was identified. The Kazakhs are mainly descendent from the Turkic and medieval Mongol peoples, they live in isolated regions and usually marry within their own ethnic group. They exhibit often unique differences in single nucleotide vari...